Our expertise


clear space
Go to kitchen


Even in a good-sized kitchen, it can be hard to find a place for everything. In a small kitchen, it can feel downright impossible.

Go to Bathroom


We explore the best tips and tricks for storage and organization in the bathroom; Ideas for all budgets.

Go to closet


We have the best ideas for one of the biggest storage challenges in the house: organizing the closet.

Go to laundry


Whether your laundry room is large or small, or not even a room, we have solutions for maximizing space, organizing supplies, storing laundry accessories and caring for all your favorite

Clear Space, Clear Mind

Our Philosophy... Clear Space , Clear Minds
Our expertise

We are professional lifestyle organization company dedicated to customizing and beautifying areas at home for individuals eager to have a clear space. We recognize that life gets chaotic and keeping a Neat home is a challenge. Uneat will create and implement effective, sustainable solutions that will change your lifestyle and clear your mind. We believe that once your life is clutter free and well arranged, you will have a new appreciation for the importance of living UNEAT.

we customize and beautify areas at home


We offer an organic organization service with a minimalist style striving to succeed by assisting our clients to change their minds and clear the spaces. For us less is more and we will coach our clients to set up their spaces with the basics and work on reducing the amount of items in their personal spaces.